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Hank aaron in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2024-08-21Updated:2024-08-21
Similar words: aaronaaron's rodaaron coplandshankartankaankaratankardtankageMeaning: n. United States professional baseball player who hit more home runs than Babe Ruth (born in 1934). 
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1. The list also includes Hank Aaron and Roberto Clemente.
2. Then Hank Aaron hit his first home run in an All-Star Game.
3. Official reaction: He outslugged Hank Aaron.
3. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
4. Suddenly I knew what a baseball felt like after Hammerin' 6)Hank Aaron got through with it.
5. From then on, Hank Aaron loved to kid me that he had personally delivered Georgia's electoral votes with his Saturday-morning plug.
6. In Cincinnati, Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hits his 714th career home run tying baseball great Babe Ruth's record. Aaron breaks that record days later.
7. Hank Aaron was a player with the Atlanta Braves team.
8. Since I don't have a direct line to Hank Aaron or former New York Mets relief pitcher Don Aase, my first entry is Henry Abbott, the excellent basketball writer who runs the TrueHoop blog at
9. But the big draw was Hank Aaron, the baseball star who had broken Babe Ruth's home-run record in 1974.
10. Hank Aaron is the all - time home run leader.
11. When I was a kid, I greatly admired Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Yogi Berra. They were my heroes.
12. Ruth's lifetime total of 714 home runs at his retirement in 1935 was a record for 39 years, until broken by Hank Aaron in 1974.
13. Barry Bonds passed the all time Homerun record of Hank Aaron. Aaron held the record since 1974, with 755 Homeruns.
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